Weatherdata for SK6EI
Location: Mountain Billingen, JO68VK in Skövde

Feed status: Last update: 12 hours and 19 minutes ago

Date & Time Temperature Wind Rain Humidity Pressure
Direction Average Gust
26/07-2024 15:26 CEST - 0.0 mm 1023 hPa, rising slowly
16:26 CEST - 0.0 mm 1023 hPa, steady
17:26 CEST - 0.0 mm 1023 hPa, falling slowly
18:26 CEST - 0.0 mm 1023 hPa, falling slowly
19:26 CEST - 0.0 mm 1023 hPa, steady
20:26 CEST - 0.0 mm 1023 hPa, falling slowly
21:26 CEST - 0.0 mm 1023 hPa, falling slowly

24 hours ending 2326 CEST on 25 Jul 2024 Date & time
Daytime max temp
Night min temp
Total rainfall 0.0 mm -
Average wind speed -
Highest gust speed
From 0000 CEST on 26 Jul to 2126 CEST on 26 Jul 2024 Date & time
Daytime max temp
Night min temp
Total rainfall 0.0 mm -
Average wind speed -
Highest gust speed

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